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HOSTING > KEY CONSIDERATIONSHost Obligations | About Your Guests | How Hosts Are Paid

Important Information About Homestay Host Payments

Hosts are paid regularly while hosting a student. Each visiting student pays a homestay fee to AHN to cover management and supervision of their stay, 24/7 emergency support services, insurance, translation services, and airport transportation services. The majority of the homestay fee is passed along to hosts to cover day-to-day food and accommodation expenses. Homestay fees vary from state to state and range depending on accommodation, meal plan and location.

Electronic Payment and Timing

AHN process host payments directly into the hosts bank account every week according to a schedule. Once your student has arrived safely and settled in you can mark them as arrived in the system. You will then be paid for the first 2 weeks of homestay on the next scheduled payment day for your region, usually a Tues or Wed. AHN will collect the ongoing fees from your student and make fortnightly payments to you, provided that the student has paid on time, for the duration of the placement.

Note: AHN cannot pay ongoing weekly fees to the host until we have received the funds from the student.

How Much Hosts Are Paid

Host compensation varies based on location, meals, and sometimes other amenities or considerations.

Please choose your region from the list below:

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Yubo Quan left today he was one of the most pleasant and well mannered boy’s I have had.