Thanks for your interest in hosting with AHN!
Do you live in one of the below post codes?
2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2024, 2026, 2029, 2032, 2035, 2036, 2045, 2046, 2047, 2049, 2064, 2066, 2068, 2070, 2071, 2072, 2110, 2111, 2114, 2130, 2131, 2132, 2133, 2134, 2135, 2136, 2137, 2138, 2140, 2141, 2144, 2191, 2192, 2193, 2194, 2195, 2196, 2200, 2203, 2204, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2208, 2209, 2210, 2216, 2217, 2218, 2220, 2222, 2223.
NOTE: due to the T3 line closure, some areas of the above postcodes may not be eligible to host temporarily during the closure period due to travel times to education providers being longer than 60 minutes.